MED 200
Assignment #3

1. A few notes on the field experience:
    a. You can go ahead and reach out to your mentor teachers once you have the email from me. I think it would be good to get a head start on the materials by digging in to the content they're working on at present. You don't want to have a student asking you basic questions that you can't answer. (though you should expect to be asked many things you are unsure of- work with your mentor teacher on these!)

A good resource for reviewing material is Kahn Academy- videos on just about every mathematical topic you'll teach. I suggest searching for some of Sal Kahn's videos on the topic you're about to assist with. Below is a link to his algebra videos. I also want to offer you a textbook if you'd like to look over some of the content that you'll be working with. There are some high-quality texts that will provide you with a good review. Email me to set a time to drop by and take a look at the selection.
    b. Journals: As we discussed in class, I'd like you to select just one of the dimensions of the Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU) rubric to bring focus to your thinking about the classroom you are in. Perhaps your first day can help you select the dimension and your second day will allow you to be prepared to note a variety of aspects connected to the dimension. You can go beyond the dimension and TRU framework in your writing of course, but do discuss at least one dimension. You should also document instances of learning about students as a new teacher. It might be insights into their misconceptions, a question you asked that brought clarification, something they asked that you weren't sure how to respond to, something they shared with you that allowed you to connect with them, etc. One of your initial goals is to get to know your students. Start with names- write them down on a seating chart so you learn them. You are going to be in the setting for 8 to 10 weeks so it will help you to know their names. Journal entries should be 2-3 pages. Your first one is due on Friday 2/17 (before your long weekend and the school's winter break) since that should allow you to have met with your mentor teacher and been in their classrooms a couple of times.

For next class:
2. Polish the Exeter problems in Set #2 so you can submit those at the start of class on 2/15.

3. Read Bill McCollum's ICME paper introducing the common Core standards. He is one of 3 primary authors of the standards (Jason Zimba and Phil Daro are the other two).

4. Read the handout on conceptual vs. procedural knowledge, instrumental vs. relational learning, constructivism, and metacognition. Respond in writing (usual expectations- Word file, emailed, etc.) to the first (only the first!) Stop to Reflect prompt at the bottom of the first page.

5. Reread the pages from last week that begins with The Need for Reform so we can discuss that in class.