MED 683: Problem Solving and Problem Posing
Fall, 2006
Call number:
3439 TR 4:30 - 5:45pm BA 220
Office hours
Jane R. Cushman
MW 1:00 pm -
3:00 pm
or by appointment
Office phone: (716)878-6319
Bishop Hall 343
Course Objectives: This course will examine the techniques of Problem
Solving and Problem Posing in mathematics. The course will initially
encourage participants to reflect upon themselves as a problem solver,
and then use this experience and examine the role of teaching problem
solving in the high school.
Course Texts: Principles and Standards for School Mathematics,
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1989, 2000. Copies should
be available at local bookstores, or you can order online from, or access the text online
at We will be
reading most of the sections on problem solving, reasoning,
communication, representation, and connections.
Teaching Mathematics through Problem Solving, National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics, 2003. Copies should be available at local
bookstores, or you can order online from
How to Solve It, Princeton University Press, expanded edition, 2004.
Copies should be available at local bookstores.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Masters program.
Relationship to Teacher Education Program Conceptual Model:
The preparation of reflective
facilitators of learning at Buffalo State College is anchored in
a foundation of professional knowledge - knowledge of the learner and their characteristics,
knowledge of the content
to be taught, and knowledge of pedagogy.
The course objectives for MED 683 address all three components of the
conceptual model. Knowledge of the
is fostered through classroom discussions. Knowledge of the content
is developed as graduates deepen their understanding of mathematical
concepts through problem solving. Knowledge of pedagogy
is developed as graduates present and critique solutions to various
Attendance Policy: Regular attendance is expected at all class
meetings. All absences must be discussed with me.
Policy on Collaboration: Since unauthorized collaboration is considered
academic dishonesty, it is important that you know what kinds of
collaboration are and are not authorized in this class. 1. The
following activities are not only authorized
but encouraged:
Working on a problem with someone when neither of you has yet solved
the problem
Asking someone for a small
hint if you have given a problem a serious try and are stuck.
Giving a student who asks for help the smallest hint that you possibly
Asking someone to listen to and critique your ideas on a problem.
Listening to a student's ideas on a problem and critiquing them without
giving away the solution.
Asking another person to read and critique your write-up of a problem.
Reading and critiquing another student's write-up of a problem,
pointing out errors but not correcting major errors.
collaboration includes:
Asking someone to show you the solution to a problem that hasn't been
handed in or discussed in class yet.
Showing a student in the class a solution to a problem they have not
yet solved and that hasn't been handed in or discussed in class yet.
Copying, either word for word or by rewording, a solution that you have
not played a significant part in obtaining. This includes a solution
found in a book, a solution obtained by a student or group of students
in this class, a solution originating in this class in a previous year,
or any other source.
Writing up a solution together with someone else, whether or not you
have worked out the solution together.
Clearly authorized collaboration provides a learning experience for
both parties.
Unauthorized collaboration benefits no one and, in fact, is
educationally detrimental.
Please do not put your classmates in a difficult position by asking to
copy their work.
Grading: This class will be presented in a class discussion format.
Students will present projects, write reaction papers to synthesize the
readings, and develop exemplary curriculum materials. The evaluation
will be based upon the quality of this work.
Evaluation will be on: Quality of Editorial Work, Quality of the Final
Journal, Quality of Comments to Authors, Attendance, and Assigned
Handed In Weekly.
The distribution will be:
Articles: 40%
Editorial: 30%
Assignments and Attendance: 30%
Journal: As part of your coursework for this class, you are required to
keep a class-related journal. The journal will serve several purposes,
including: encouraging you to reflect on your problem solving behavior
and other topics related to mathematics and teaching, giving you
practice writing about mathematics, providing feedback to me, and
providing another means for me to give feedback to you.
You are expected to make journal entries at least twice a week, with
each week's entries being at least one handwritten, standard sized page
(or the equivalent word processed).
Please date each entry and keep them in chronological order.
Occasionally I may ask you (either the whole class or individually) to
write on a specific topic, but usually the choice will be up to you.
Possibilities include:
Your reactions (thoughts, and feelings if you wish) to topics in the
readings or discussed in class.
Analysis of how you go about solving problems (e.g., what strategies
you most often use), and how you might do so better.
Insights you have had into various mathematical concepts.
Comparing and contrasting how you and other students go about solving
Comparing and contrasting different solutions to the same problem.
How you have used ideas discussed in this class in other classes or
other situations in your life, or how these relate to what we've
discussed in class. (Students who have an extended field experience or
are student teaching this semester may have lots of comments related to
those experiences.)
How you might incorporate ideas in this class in your own teaching.
How you might use what you learned in solving one problem in solving
Describing problems you have made up, and why, when, and how they might
be good teaching problems.
Asking questions about concepts you don't yet understand fully.
Requests for specific kinds of feedback.
Suggestions on how to improve this class.
Discussion of what types of problems you like best, and why.
Comments on your progress in any of the areas of the course objectives.
Information that might help me evaluate your performance in this class.
(Don't limit yourself to just one of these topics, however. Anything
related to mathematics and teaching mathematics is appropriate.)
You should not use your
journal to record what went on in class (except brief accounts to
introduce your own reactions to this.) You are expected to write in
your journal outside class. If you wish to take class notes, you should
keep these in a separate notebook or folder.
I will collect, read, and make comments on your journal every two or
three weeks. Your journal grade will not depend on the correctness of
the mathematical content of your journal, but on the thoughtfulness
that went into your writing.
Use a looseleaf notebook or folder for your journal, so you can write
journal entries when I have collected journals to read. \f3\i Please
hand in sections I have already read along with new entries, so that I
can see old comments.
Procedures regarding disruptive individuals:
Disruptive behavior by students in my class will not be tolerated.
Whenever I deem a student to be acting in a disruptive manner, I will
exercise my right to ask that individual to leave the classroom. If
refused, I will exercise my right to notify the University Police. The
responding officer will determine whether an arrest should be made or
whether a referral to medical counseling staff is appropriate. If a
student is perceived as a danger to himself, herself, or others, the
dean of students may propose an interim suspension until a hearing is
held. Any student removed from class will have the right to a hearing.
Students with disabilities: Any student who requires accommodations to
complete the requirements and expectations of this course because of a
disability is invited to make his or her needs known to the instructor
and to the director of the Disabilities Services Office, 120 South
Wing, 878-4500.
Cell phone policy:
Please leave your cell phones either off or on vibrate. Do not text
message at anytime during class. If there is a call you must take, then
step out of the classroom to answer it.