MED 200
Assignment #8
due Wednesday 4/12

1. Complete Exeter problem set #6.

2. Read the MTMS article Unlocking the Structure of Positive and Negative Integers.

3. Read Gladwell's chapter titled Marita's Bargain.

4. We've been looking at myths in a variety of contexts over the last 3 or 4 assignments from what we think about geniuses, what we know about the brain and learning, to our schools and issues related to segregation, to issues related to poverty. What is it you've been thinking about related to your own perceptions around these issues as you read, listened and watched stories of the people whose lives intersect with these areas? Write 3-5 pages about your thoughts and document any shifts in your thinking or realizations you've made. You are welcome to editorialize, but please connect your writing to the various components of our assignments.